I've been fortunate enough to work with these wedding suppliers and can wholeheartedly recommend them:
Mindy Coe - www.mindycoe.com
Lauren Henson - www.laurenhensonphotography.com
Balance Photography - www.balancephotographyweddings.com
Beki Young - bekiyoung.co.uk
Steve Kentish - www.stevekentishphotography.co.uk
Guy Collier - www.guycollierphotography.com
Sophie Duckworth - www.sophieduckworthphotography.com
Matt Lee - mattleephotographic.co.uk
Matthew Lawrence - www.matthewlawrencephotography.co.uk
Kris Karl - kriskarlweddings.com
Apresh Chavda (Asian wedding specialist) - www.apreshchavda.com
Nick Ray - www.nickrayphotography.co.uk
David Hughes - www.davidhughesphotography.co.uk
Hair and make-up:
Melissa Oldridge - www.melissaoldridgebridal.com
Ana Ospina - anaospinamakeup.co.uk
Hepburn Collection - www.hepburncollection.com
Dolly's Beauty Parlour (Vintage specialist) - www.dollys-beauty.co.uk
Butterfly Hair & Makeup - butterflymobilehair.com
Tori Harris - toriharrismakeup.co.uk
Amanda White - www.amandawhite.co.uk
Wedding planning:
Louise Perry - www.louiseperryweddings.com
Romeo & Juliet Weddings (Italy) - www.romeoandjuliet-weddings.com
Chobham Flowers - www.chobhamflowers.co.uk
Jay Archer - jayarcherfloraldesign.com
Lucy Moore - www.thefloralartisan.co.uk
Blakes of Bookham - www.blakesofbookham.com
Blooms and Bows - bloomsandbows.co.uk
Fairy Nuff - fairynuff-flowers.co.uk
Caper and Berry - www.caperandberry.co.uk
Rhubarb - www.rhubarb.co.uk
Acclaim Food - www.acclaimfood.co.uk
Soul Calibre - www.soulcalibre.co.uk
The Tricks - www.thetrickslive.com
Venue dressing/Hire Services:
Busy Bee Events - www.busybeeevents.co.uk
Surrey Event Services - www.facebook.com/firstdancedj/
Wow Factor Events - www.wowfactorweddings.co.uk